Tom Ferguson is a Senior Consulting Associate of Global Resources and is an experienced management consultant in the area of international telecommunications business development, government affairs, joint venture negotiations and strategic and financial planning. He offers nearly two decades of telecommunications experience and a wide range of international project experiences gained living and working outside of the United States to his client projects.

Some of Mr. Ferguson’s accomplishments include:

  • Led the efforts of AT&T in Business Development and Strategy for the Asia/Pacific region and China, which dealt with the business strategies of the company on the regional and country level (Singapore, India, Vietnam), partner identification, deal structuring, business case development, government participation, technology deployment and venture management.
  • Analysis of numerous technology and business strategic opportunities involving such areas as CATV, software development, market access and network design.
  • Extensive experience in the structure and negotiations of joint ventures, acquisitions and divestitures including a switching factory in Taiwan, purchase of a factory facility in the UK, the acquisition of GTE Communications Systems, the divestiture of Nassau Recycling and the structuring and negotiations of the joint venture with Banco Central HispanoAmericano.
  • Strategic pricing studies for major network systems products.
  • Development of international financial methods and procedures for Western Electric International Treasury Operations.
  • Development of financial models for analysis of the Bell Operating Companies.
  • Recent consulting engagements have included:
    • Network Operational Processes and Financial Analysis for Tyco Submarine Systems.
    • Strategy development, deal structuring and negotiations for a start-up telecommunications company.
    • Corporate formation, strategy and business development, including venture partner selection, negotiation and testing of a new computer based technology platform.

Prior to his association with Global Resources, Mr. Ferguson was the Vice President, Business Development and Strategy for AT&T Asia/Pacific and China, during which he lived in Hong Kong and traveled extensively in the region. He also lived in the Netherlands while working for the AT&T and Philips joint venture.

Mr. Ferguson earned a B.A. and M.B.A from the College of William and Mary and attended the Executive Seminar at the Aspen Institute.

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