Program Dates

MBA PowerPakPresented by Global Resources

2005 Session Dates

In 2005, MBA PowerPak is offered in three formats so we can best respond to our customers' unique learning, attendance and buying needs.

Open-Market (OM):

When Global Resources recognizes that there is sufficient demand building for a MBA PowerPak program at an offering location that is within 1 hour of a major airport, we will announce an open-market session. These programs cater to customers who are purchasing an individual or small number of seats and/or would like to attend a program with diverse attendance (multiple companies and/or functional responsibilities represented in the classroom). Please scroll down this page to see if any sessions are offered with a convenient date/location schedule for you to register for MBA PowerPak.

If you are unable to join us for our scheduled programs, please call us with your inputs for your ideal MBA PowerPak offering locations (e.g. "west coast" or "Boston") or schedule ("fall 2005"). We keep an active list of requests, schedule programs to most effectively meet those requests, and communicate with all our potential attendees as programs are added. We'll promise to e-mail or call you to alert you to all geographic and scheduling possibilities for your MBA PowerPak attendance including those MBA PowerPak offerings that may be added on a "last minute" basis. And don't forget to mark this page as one of your website favorites so you can do quick checks to see if we have added a MBA PowerPak program that meets your scheduling needs.

Suitcase (S):

MBA PowerPak is available for customers wishing to purchase suitcase (on-site) offerings for groups of 8 - 25 attendees who meet our standard enrollment criteria (professional manager, over 18 years of age, fluent in English, undergraduate degree preferred). On-site programs allow customers a range of delivery options and are generally best suited for a specific group (staff, customers, affilliates) who can all attend a common 8 day schedule. Please call so we may discuss your needs, delivery specifics, pricing, etc. Private suitcase program dates and locations are not listed on this website.

Hybrid-Suitcase (HS):

Often a customer wishes to purchase a suitcase offering but also wants the educational dynamic that is present in an "open market" classroom. In this case, we endeavor to create the best of both worlds for all our customers. In a hybrid-suitcase offering, our customer contracts to host the program (at their offices or a nearby training site that is within 1 hour of a major airport) and we hold a specified number of seats for their attendees. We then offer the remainder of the seats to the buying public (e.g. open market).

Hybrid-suitcase programs allow customers a range of delivery options and are generally best suited for groups who prefer cross-company representation in the learning room and/or may have less than 25 managers who can participate in a common 8 day schedule. If you are interested in hosting a hybrid-suitcase MBA PowerPak program, please call so we may discuss your needs, delivery specifics, pricing, etc. If a hybrid-suitcase program has been contracted and still has room for open market attendees, it is listed below.

2005 Session Dates

Part I   Part II Location




MBA PowerPak class hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 p.m. On the final day of MBA PowerPak class ends at 3:00 p.m. (Part II only).

Managers are required to register for and attend Part I and Part II consecutively as presented above.

At the time of course registration, managers are sent a pre-course package which includes a letter confirming MBA PowerPak registration, the required readings for the program’s first two days and general information to assist with any MBA PowerPak travel planning. The MBA PowerPak Curriculum Manager is always available to answer your course questions. Contact us at (949) 721-0323.

Global Resources
19700 Fairchild, Suite 300
Irvine, CA 92612 USA
Tel. 949-721-0323 | Fax 949-721-0336

Copyright 2002 Global Resources.
All rights reserved.